Smart Calculator
The Smart Calculator app is a comprehensive calculator that supports various calculations, including tip calculation, N division, and unit conversion. It also allows users to set their preferred grouping symbols, grouping size, and decimal symbol. The app has functions for copying and transferring calculated values, clearing the calculator, and saving and returning memory. Additionally, users can add or subtract values from memory. The app’s goal is to provide the most accurate calculations possible, making it a world-class calculator.
1. Smart Calculator is a calculator app that supports international standard numeric formats and offers various calculations, including tip calculation, N division, and unit conversion.
2. The app allows users to set the grouping size, decimal symbol, and other preferences to make it more accurate and user-friendly.
3. The app has basic calculator functions such as copy, send, clear, memory clear, memory return, memory save, memory plus, and memory minus.
4. The app is designed to be a world-best calculator, providing accurate calculations for users.
5. The app is available for download on the App Store and Google Play Store.
World Best Calculator, International standard, Numeric format, Group symbols, Decimal symbol, Tip calculation, N division, Unit conversion, Basic Calculator, Calculated value
Smart Calculator is possible to calculate the most accurate in the world. (World Best Calculator)
International standard numeric format support (by country) – group symbols, grouping size, decimal symbol (user settable)
Various calculations, the necessities of life, such as the tip calculation, N division, unit conversion function includes
[ Basic Calculator ]
☆ Calculator Description
COPY/SEND : Copy to the clipboard the calculated value / Transfer
CLR : Clear the calculated value
MC : Memory Clear
MR : Memory Return
MS : Memory Save
M+ : Memory Plus The calculated value
M- : Memory Minus The calculated value
M× : Memory Multiply The calculated value
M÷ : Memory Divide The calculated value
% : Percent Operator
± : 1.Negative input 2.Positive and negative conversion
– Shake the device to initialize calculation screen (CLEAR function)
– Keypad Vibration On / Off function
– Keypad typing sound On / Off function (sound volume in the sound settings of the machine settings)
– Provide memory calculation function (MC, MR, MS, M+, M-)
– adjustable decimal size
– Set custom converter supports
Grouping adjustable size
Group separator can be changed
Decimal separator can be changed
[ Scientific calculator ]
The highest performance scientific calculator is provided.
[ Tip Calculator and N Split ]
– Tip calculator and N partitioning
– Adjustable tip percent
– Adjustable personnel division
[ Unit Converter ]
– Supports conversion of various units as follows:
[ Date Calculator ]
Calculates the date gap for the selected period.
The results are provided as a translation of the day, week, month, and year.
[ Size Table ]
– Supports conversion of various sizes as follows