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Jan 28, 2023



Calculator is a math application that allows users to perform simple and complex calculations, including scientific operations, binary and hexadecimal conversions, and handling complex numbers. It also includes a graphing feature and options for customizing the color scheme.


1. Calculator is a math application that allows users to perform simple and complex calculations.
2. The app includes features such as history, real-time graphing, base conversion, memory, and the ability to define custom functions.
3. Users can choose from several color options to personalize their experience.
4. The app supports a variety of mathematical operations, including trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions.
5. Users can also convert between different numeral systems, including binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
6. The app can handle complex numbers, including the square root of negative two.
7. Real-time graphing is also included in the app.
8. The app has a user-friendly interface and is suitable for users of all skill levels.


Calculator, Math, Simple, Complex, Colors, Options, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

Calculator allows you to perform simple and complex math tasks in a beautifully designed application. It includes history, real time graphing, base conversion, memory and more.

• Choose the best color for you from several options: amber, orange, deep orange, red, pink, purple, deep purple, indigo, blue, light blue, cyan, teal, green, light green and lime

• Perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

• Do scientific operations such as trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions

• Define your own function

• Convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal numeral systems

• Handling complex numbers such as √−2

• Real time graphing

• Save and modify values in the calculator memory

• See the list of your past 100 expressions and results with their dates

• Perform basic operation on the go with Android Wear


• To use advanced operators and functions, swipe to the left the colored bar on the right side or hold your device sideways

• To call the graph panel, enter your expression with X

• To see your history, swipe down from the display

• To see the date of a past calculation, long click on the one you want

• To remove a past calculation from the list, swipe it right or left

• Go into the settings and choose the “Help” option for further instructions

The source code was forked from the AOSP platform package.