Wonder Woollies Play World
The Wonder Woollies Play World app is designed for children to engage in open-ended play. It offers a variety of activities such as exploring the world, personalizing it, creating games, watching movies, gardening, and more. Children can also create their own stories and play games with Wee Woollie pets. The app encourages creativity and imagination.
1. Wonder Woollies Play World is a playful app designed for children.
2. The app allows kids to explore a variety of activities, including gardening, pet care, music, and storytelling.
3. Players can personalize their experience and create their own games and stories.
4. The app emphasizes open-ended play, encouraging kids to use their imagination and creativity.
5. Wonder Woollies Play World is available on iOS and Android devices.
1. Wonder Woollies Play World
2. Playful universe
3. Open-ended play
4. Curious kids
5. Imagination
6. Explore world
7. Personalize
8. Build game objects
9. Watch movies
10. Create stories
11. Garden
12. Vegetables
13. Fruits
14. Wee Woollie pets
15. Tug to bed
16. Read stories
17. Make instruments
18. Concert
19. Dance party
20. Fun day
21. Picnic
22. Music
23. Campfire
24. Swim
25. Lake
26. Decide play
27. Focus on kids.
Wonder Woollies Play World is a playful universe with a strong emphasis on pure open-ended play. It is made for curious and imaginative kids.
You can explore the world, personalize it, decide what is going to take place, design and build your own game objects, watch small animated movies and get inspired to create your very own stories.
Plant and harvest vegetables and fruits in the garden, create cute Wee Woollie pets, tug them to bed and read them a story, make your own instruments and set up a concert on the stage or throw a dance party. Arrange a fun day with a picnic, music at the campfire and a swim in the lake. In Wonder Woollies you decide what and how to play.
Wonder Woollies focuses on kids’ open-ended play – on letting kids use their fantasy and be creative – also when they play on digital platforms.
The tactile universe with handmade elements is designed to inspire, to make kids wonder, fantasize, try out stuff and create their own play world.
Kids have a natural curiosity. They explore their surroundings, ask fun questions about how the world works, and they have a natural sense of wonder. In Wonder Woollies kids learn through play, and they can explore various situations.
In Fuzzy House we love to design for those little fingers. We believe in the magic of pure play and in letting kids be kids. Our digital products have a tactile handmade feel and embrace the imperfect in a digital world.
Learn more about Wonder Woollies and us at www.wonderwoollies.com and www.fuzzyhouse.com